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keestrel名稱給予獵鷹屬的幾個不同成員法爾科。佳隼最容易被他們的典型狩獵行為引起懸停在開放國家,并俯沖獵物,通常是小型動物" target="_blank">哺乳動物,蜥蜴或大昆蟲。其他獵鷹更適合在翼上積極狩獵。 Kestrels需要輕微的逆風才能徘徊,因此是普通歌唱者的風沙所在地。
獵鷹是法爾科屬的幾種鳥類中的任何一種,例如Peregrine Falcon,這是猛禽或獵物鳥類。這些鳥有薄,尖翼的翅膀,使它們以極高的速度潛入。據(jù)說,Peregrine Falcons是地球上最快的鳥類,達到了高達200英里/小時的速度。其他獵鷹包括Gyrfalcon,Lanner Falcon和Merlin。一些小型食蟲獵鷹長,狹窄的翅膀被稱為愛好,以及他們捕殺的小嚙齒動物的一些懸停被稱為茶隼。獵鷹是家庭的一部分Falconidae, which also includes the caracaras, laughing falcon, forest falcons, and falconets.
Kestrels' ability to spot prey is enhanced by being able to see ultra-violet which is strongly reflected by vole urine. Plumage typically differs between male and female, and (as is usual with monogamous raptors) the female is slightly larger than the male. This allows a pair to fill different feeding niches over their home range.
Kestrels are bold and have adapted well to human encroachment, nesting in buildings and hunting by major roads. Kestrels do not build their own nests, but use nests built by other species.
The peregrine falcon became endangered because of the overuse of pesticides during the 1950s and 1960s. Pesticide build-up interfered with reproduction, thinning eggshells and severely restricting the ability of birds to reproduce. The DDT buildup in the falcon's fat tissues would result in less calcium in the eggshells, leading to flimsier, more 脆弱的雞蛋。在世界的幾個地區(qū),這個物種被殺蟲劑淹沒了。雞蛋和小雞通常由盜賊和收藏家瞄準。
世界各地的野生動物服務組織了Peregrine Falcon Recovery團隊,以飼養(yǎng)它們。鳥兒被冷雪喂養(yǎng),所以他們看不到人類的培訓師。然后,當他們足夠大時,盒子被打開了。這允許鳥來測試它的翅膀。隨著鳥類變得更強壯,食物減少,因為這只鳥可以捕食自己的食物。此過程稱為**。要釋放一個俘虜繁殖的獵鷹,這只鳥被放在塔頂或懸崖壁架的特殊盒子里。全球恢復努力取得了非常成功。
在美國,禁止DDT最終允許發(fā)布鳥類成功繁殖。 1999年8月25日從美國威脅和瀕危物種名單中刪除了Peregrine Falcon。2003年,一些國家開始發(fā)出有限的獵鷹犯罪許可證由于恢復計劃的成功而導致叢。在英國,自20世紀60年代以來,人口恢復了很好的恢復。