



相關(guān)例句:我們整夜都沒聽到嬰兒出聲We did not hear a peep out of the baby all night。她提出要讓人收養(yǎng)那個嬰兒。She put the baby up for adoption。






小孩指 兒童 ;幼兒,它的英語表達有child,也可以用kid。以下是我給大家?guī)硇『⒌挠⒄Z說法,以供參閱。

小孩的英語說法 1.child 2.kid 小孩的相關(guān) 短語 小孩床 cot ; child\’s cot; baby\’s crib 送小孩 Curiouser and Curiouser ; 完美小孩 perfect child 七個小孩 Secret Seven 喂小孩 feed a child 小孩的英語例句 1. If we had a child, we\’d be in really dire straits. 假如我們有了小孩,我們會真正陷入困境。

2. The child took five steps, and then sat down with a bump. 小孩走了5步,接著撲通一聲坐到了地上。 3. The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion. 領(lǐng)養(yǎng)小孩后懷孕的婦女比比皆是。 4. The three children all bath in the same bath water. 這三個小孩用同一盆水洗澡。 5. There were men, women and **all children, some dressed in rags. 有男人、女人和小孩,其中一些人衣衫襤褸。

6. He deduced that the two children belonged to the couple. 他推斷這倆小孩是這對夫婦的。 7. They had liquor for the *****s and sodas for the children. 他們?yōu)榇笕藴?zhǔn)備了酒,為小孩準(zhǔn)備了汽水。 8. Many children who can\’t or don\’t conform are often bullied. 很多不能或不按規(guī)矩行事的小孩常常被人欺負。

9. Never leave young children unattended near any pool or water tank. 千萬不能放任小孩呆在水池或水槽附近不管。 10. One kid can generally tell when another kid is sneaky. 一個小孩鬼鬼祟祟地在干什么事情的時候,通常另一個小孩可以判斷出來。 11. The water was slightly cooler than a child\’s bath. 這水比小孩的洗澡水稍微涼一些。

12. I stopped working last year to have a baby. 我去年因生小孩辭去了工作。 13. I\’ve never been one to cluck over babies of either sex. 不管是男孩還是女孩,我從來都對小孩沒什么興趣。 14. We were in the bazaar with all the little urchins watching us. 我們在集市里,周圍一大幫衣衫襤褸的小孩盯著我們看。

15. She started to blubber like a child. 她開始像個小孩似的放聲大哭。 兒童的英語例句 1. Children should have glasses which filter out UV rays. 兒童應(yīng)該戴上濾除紫外線的眼鏡。 2. A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world. 兒童可能無法將自己的幻想與真實世界區(qū)分開來。 3. The first plane-loads of food, children\’s clothing and medical supplies began arriving. 首批飛機運送的食物、兒童衣物和*品開始抵達。

4. At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars. 目前,14歲以下兒童不允許進酒吧。 5. Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children. 在所有簡單無害的娛樂項目背后都隱藏著危險,特別是對兒童而言。 6. The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child. 腰帶、和服和其他衣服都是兒童款的。 7. It is estimated that every year 50 unaccompanied children arrive in Britain. 據(jù)估計,每年有50名兒童獨自來到英國。

8. The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably. 紀(jì)律的目的是 教育 兒童舉止得體。 9. In the main, children are taboo in the workplace. 工作場所基本上禁止兒童進入。 10. Snow Puppies is a ski school for 3 to 6-year-olds. “雪狗之家”是一所針對3至6歲兒童的滑雪學(xué)校。 11. Child car seats only cost about £10 a week to hire. 兒童汽車坐椅一周的租金才10英鎊。

12. His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children. 他的研究被用來為多動的兒童設(shè)計治療方案。 13. Open daily; admission £1.10 with concessions for children and OAPs. 每天開放;門票1.10英鎊,兒童和退休人士可享受票價優(yōu)惠。 14. Most of the staff specialise in the care of children. 多數(shù)員工都掌握專業(yè)的兒童保育知識。